Red Monitor - v0.5

Sept. 6, 2024, 9:59 a.m.



  1. Disk space monitoring at the mount point of temporary RDMS files.
  2. Grafana plugin of type "App" which is using the "Scene" framework.
  3. Grafana plugin of type "Datasource" which interacts with RDMS Red Database.
  4. CPU interrupts count and context switches count monitoring.
  5. Monitoring of memory usage of SQL-queries sorting.
  6. Exporter and Grafana plugins upgrade process.


  1. Interaction of exporter and "aggtrace" RDMS plugin.
  2. Roles-wise metrics are removed.
  3. "dictserver" program functions is moved to exporter.
  4. All metrics are renamed by a template "rdb_".
  5. Some of metric labels are renamed.
  6. RDMS log file metrics extracting process.
  7. Metrics scraping algorythm.


  1. Database-connection-wise information disappearing through long time in Grafana.