Red Monitor - v0.5
Sept. 6, 2024, 9:59 a.m.
- Disk space monitoring at the mount point of temporary RDMS files.
- Grafana plugin of type "App" which is using the "Scene" framework.
- Grafana plugin of type "Datasource" which interacts with RDMS Red Database.
- CPU interrupts count and context switches count monitoring.
- Monitoring of memory usage of SQL-queries sorting.
- Exporter and Grafana plugins upgrade process.
- Interaction of exporter and "aggtrace" RDMS plugin.
- Roles-wise metrics are removed.
- "dictserver" program functions is moved to exporter.
- All metrics are renamed by a template "rdb_".
- Some of metric labels are renamed.
- RDMS log file metrics extracting process.
- Metrics scraping algorythm.
- Database-connection-wise information disappearing through long time in Grafana.